AI crypto technology

My Christmas request is: help invest in a sustainable solution

We are just before Christmas 2023 and this might be the time for a flashy annual review or an exciting look ahead to 2024. But there is something we can't ignore that urgently needs our attention. Last week, the UN climate conference COP28 concluded with a hollow declaration of compromise. The Guardian wrote this balanced summary about it.

The US position as the world's largest oil and gas producer remains unaffected. China will continue to expand coal production and India's industry need not fear either. Saudi Arabia tried to remove any reference to fossil fuels, Russia worked behind the scenes to thwart progress and will try again next year when the climate summit is held in Azerbaijan.

Even as an optimist, the lack of specific CO2 reduction targets stops me from cheering over the agreement reached to move away from fossil fuels. Many countries, especially large CO2 emitters, have not agreed to concrete emission reduction targets. That makes the agreement as empty as children's promises in the weeks before Christmas to be less naughty next year.

It is now up to all of us

In December 2015, my colleague Hans Tobé and I attended COP21 in Paris, where the expectation was that for the first time ever serious plans would be forged to combat climate change and, in short, save the world as we know it.

With colleague Hans Tobé on the doorstep of COP21 in Paris, December 2015

At the time, Hans and I had just started Blue City Solutions with a group of like-minded people in the US and France, which aims to support projects that promote CO2 reduction. For various reasons, one of which was the Covid pandemic, this has been more difficult than we had hoped.

Our thinking at the time was that it was important for government and business to act together. In practice, through unwillingness or incompetence, or an unfortunate combination thereof, politicians around the world are proving unable to come up with a coherent policy to combat global warming.

Meanwhile, promising technological innovations have been developed, such as CSS technology that removes CO2 from the atmosphere and dissolves it in water but there have also been breakthroughs in ocean fertilization. Major breakthroughs are being made in the field of energy efficiency, which has convinced me that the fastest way to save this planet is through innovations from within society, with governments only facilitating and not guiding.

iXora, from The Netherlands

Everyone reading this newsletter, including through LinkedIn, Medium or Marketing Report, uses modern technology in their daily lives. Whether it is cloud services like Dropbox, Google Cloud or Microsoft OneDrive, AI applications like ChatGPT or streaming services like Netflix; modern life is made possible by services delivered from data centers, a market that is currently growing nearly 20% per year!

Those very fast-growing data centers are eating up power, especially to cool the modern, latest generation servers. Thus, together we are part of the problem. In my opinion, the solution is not to trade in our smartphones for old Nokias, but rather to take a leap forward and cool data centers in a better way.

That is what iXora does based on 'immersion cooling', cooling by means of liquid instead of air cooling, a patented technology that allows data centers to save over 30% on their energy consumption and also generates residual heat that can be used by houses and offices, for example. In short, iXora's technology leads to significant cost savings and structural reduction of CO2 emissions.

Netherlands most interesting startup

I have previously explained in detail why I am not neutral when it comes to iXora and why I think iXora is Holland's most interesting startup.

Watch the short introductory video of iXora here

In a nutshell: first of all, the data center industry is a global billion-dollar market that is forced to reduce energy consumption, and thus CO2 emissions, as soon as possible. If only because of energy costs!

Second, the unique technology that iXora employs to cool servers in the worldwide standard 19-inch enclosure is well patented, providing a competitive advantage. And third, I have come to know the founders as knowledgeable, energetic and reliable.

Those three factors together are rare to see in a Dutch startup. iXora offers an investment in accordance with the planet-people-profit principle, where technological advances enable a sustainable world in a profitable way. That approach appeals to me.

I also expect a lot from the R&D project announced this week by iXora to apply iXora's cooling technology to the equipment of NVIDIA, the undisputed leader in servers for AI applications. As a participant in the NVIDIA Inception Program, iXora will have access to NVIDIA engineers in making iXora technology suitable for NVIDIA's CPUs and GPUs.

And admittedly, in the context of full transparency: I also think, as a thrifty Dutchman, that the valuation of iXora, the price per share, for a company in such a global market that already delivers its products to paying customers, is modest. If iXora were based not in the Netherlands but in Palo Alto, the company would be worth at least fivefold. It's as simple as that.

The Christmas spirit in 2023: invest in sustainability

With any innovation, what matters most is what the customer thinks of it. This is precisely why the opinion of Ludo Baauw, CEO of Intermax, is so important. As a Rotterdam native, he makes no bones about it. Watch here his clear presentation on the first installation of iXora at Intermax, in the data center of NorthC. (I hope your version of YouTube has subtitles in your preferred language.)

Because you, as reader of this newsletter, are also strongly interested in innovations that can improve our lives, I am therefore asking you to support iXora. That's my request to you this Christmas.

Participating is possible from as little as €5,000 and all information is available here. There are people who invest in their children's names so that any profits will go to the next generation. A nice thought, but I would carefully consider how savvy your offspring is because it potentially involves serious pocket money.

Be careful anyway, of course: despite my enthusiasm, I want to emphasize that investing in startups is high-risk. Do this only with money you can spare and also assume you will lose it; but if you do start to see a return, it will probably be much more than you put in.

Spotlight 9: technology had a banner year in 2023

Speaking of investing and risk, it remains striking to see that despite the war in Ukraine, the misery in Israel and Gaza, and the uncertainty surrounding China's economy, with the U.S. presidential election looming, tech stocks achieved phenomenal returns in 2023.

NVIDIA, Meta and Bitcoin were the winners of 2023. Looking over the last five years, it was different.

In addition to looking at 2023, I also looked back at the best-performing stocks in the last five years. That leads to a different picture and different conclusions. What stands out the most in 2023 is not that NVIDIA, up 242%, was by far the best investment of the Spotlight 9, because with the explosion of the AI market, that was no surprise.

But I don't know anyone who expected Meta (Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp) shares to rise 168% this year after the disastrous 2022. The comeback of Bitcoin and Tesla was also remarkable. Investing, especially in technology, remains a strange combination of analytical thinking and belief in magic.

Therefore, it also makes sense not to lose sight of the S&P 500: in this chart it is the slowest kid in class, but in 2023 this index rose 23% and over the last five years the increase was as much as 93%. For the prudent investor, still a return many times better than a savings account.

Looking at the last five years, Ethereum, NVIDIA and Tesla have been the top three investments with staggering increases:

  • Ethereum: 1,841%
  • NVIDIA: 1,409%
  • Tesla: 1,089%

I certainly expected Bitcoin to be on the podium, but this shows once again that when it comes to investing, I'm better off focusing on analysis than predictions. Because I still can't give a single meaningful answer to the most frequently asked question, "what will be the next Ethereum, NVIDIA and Tesla in the next five years?

I want to thank everyone for their interest, tips and feedback and wish all readers and their loved ones a very Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and all the happiness, love and health in 2024. Until next year!

Michiel Frackers

I try to develop solutions that are good for the bottom-line, the community and the planet at <a href="">Blue City Solutions</a> and <a href="">Tracer</a>.

By Michiel

I try to develop solutions that are good for the bottom-line, the community and the planet at Blue City Solutions and Tracer.