
Sony in trouble with Soneium blockchain, presentation tips, healthy aging and top entertainment

Today I am sharing an overview of what has caught my eye in the period since my last newsletter in December.

Sony launches Soneium Blockchain, starts censoring

How difficult it is to get it right in the Web3 world now also knows Sony, which experienced a very troubled launch with accusations about blocking meme-coins. The vehement reactions from the Web3 community show how complex it is to reconcile a decentralized ideal with corporate policies.

Smart government at Singapore's Hawker Centres

It is too easy to always complain about the government; more fun is to look at where governments do smart things. For example, why does the Singapore government intervene in one of the most beloved culinary traditions? No, I am not referring to the three hundred dollar fine for not clearing your plate. To maintain the tradition that the people of Singapore can eat delicious food for a few dollars, including a meal at a Michelin-starred stall for four Euros, the Singapore government is intervening with the goal of preserving food stalls. The Economist reports on it and you get hungry right away.

Vlagging is boring, so keep it simple

Useful not only for companies with commissioners, but even for associations or charities, this proven framework for communicating effectively with investors and stakeholders, created by seasoned professionals.It's eight, or if you're looking for money nine, chapters that you can fill in periodically and makes good reporting easy. The nice thing is that it gives not only a numerical, but also a substantive picture of activities and progress. You can make a copy here.

Fifty presentations that raised billions

A gold mine of successful pitch decks, useful if you are seeking capital or want to hone your presentation skills. Note how little text American presentations contain compared to European ones, which too often end in sweaty executives with their backs to the audience reading their own slides word for word. After all these years, Airbnb' s pitch deck continues to excel in simplicity.

The 'First Hour Rule'

Avoid your phone in the first hour of the day. Jeff Bezos swears by it, and research indicates positive effects for creativity and focus. Now I rarely think: "That Jeff Bezos seems like a happy and fun person, let's see what I can copy from him.But effective he certainly is, so this article explaining why you shouldn't touch your phone until an hour after getting up is fascinating. (Of course, I don't adhere to it. For the first hour, by the way, besides phone scrolling, I do a hundred push-ups and nibble on quinoa.)

Live long without getting scary

The latest trend in geek country is focusing on longevity, or longevity. One example was recently the successful happening in San Francisco with the catchy name The Don't Die Summit, held just after the Brain Wave Rave. The San Francisco Standard reports on trends such as delayed-release caffeine pills, which you take before bed and which help you wake up faster in the morning. And the term Big Data takes on a whole new meaning in this excellent article on the combination of data and a better sex life, again from the Economist.

Work creatively yet quickly

Whether you are a musician, filmmaker or manager, often your work consists of starting with a blank sheet and searching for inspiration. How do you systematically produce quality, without losing creativity? This video offers an intriguing view of the structured way Prince made music, proof that creativity and discipline can go hand in hand.

The originally Dutch-Indonesian rock band Van Halen recorded the first album in three weeks and the second even in ten days, a fine example of pure spontaneous creativity. They talk about it in Dutch, in this clip from the late 1970s.

A chimp, a robot and a boy from Liverpool

Speaking of creativity, when you hear that a feature film is being made about the life of Robbie Williams in which the lead actor is portrayed as an animated chimpanzee, you don't immediately think of an Oscar for best screenplay. Yet it seems to be a phenomenal film, not only according to British media. Even the trailer is extraordinary. Unfortunately, I have not yet been able to see Better Man. By the way, did you know that Williams comes from the Jordaan

In fact, the film I've enjoyed the most lately is my favorite animated film of recent years: The Wild Robot. That title is not catchy, the robot does not look lovely like the cute little robots in Star Wars, and the beginning where a household robot washes up on a desert island is slow. Unexpectedly, The Wild Robot turns out to be an ode to zest for life, caring and forgiveness. Highly recommended, it even scores 97% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Finally, this Sunday, a heartwarming video of little Isaac from Liverpool being surprised at school by the two soccer players whose puppets he puts on the table every day in class: Virgil van Dijk and Mohamed Salah.

Next week the first regular newsletter of the year focusing on technology news, innovations and tech investments, see you then!